I'm really loving that this year the moon cycle seems to have synced up so perfectly with the holidays! We had the Full Moon sync up with the Winter Solstice last week. This week we've got a waning moon before we release the 2018 year and welcome in 2019. Not to mention the New Moon on January 5th, 2019! For today, let's just focus on the waning moon. When I say waning, I mean the moon is diminishing in size. This is a great time to let go of things that do not serve you. Right now it is especially powerful as we let go of 2018. Gift yourself some quiet time before midnight December 31st for some yearly contemplation.
With the moon in the waning phase releasing this year's difficult situations may feel a bit easier. I'm not saying it still won't be emotional, but letting go during a waning phase is allowing you to work with the natural cycles rather than against. It is also important to let go of the comforts that no longer serve you. This one might be a bit more difficult, but if we want to grow this is necessary! Grab your journals! Let's do this together. Today, December 21st 2018, has a LOT of magical power. First up it's the winter solstice (Happy Yule!) and the longest night of the year. This year we're also lucky enough to enjoy a full moon on the longest night of the year (at least in the Northern Hemisphere)! It's also the last full moon of 2018. Let's grab all that magic and gift ourselves a self-love ritual! Traditionally Yule is celebrated as the returning of the sun! Back when we couldn't turn lights on with a flick of a switch, THIS was a big deal. While it may take some time to actually see the "days getting longer", so to speak, we can celebrate this light and the light within.
During the holidays it gets a little hectic and naturally we start to put people and tasks before our own sanity. If you follow me on instagram, you've probably seen a few of my recent posts reminding us to take a moment to check-in, connect with your breathing and gifting yourself some self-care time. It's SUPER important right now, especially if you feel like you don't have time for it. So here's the thing... The full moon on Yule is a reminder to check in with that internal light. I first did this photo blog back in 2016, moving into 2017. I was just looking at last year's thinking how far I have come in a year! Sure, looking back in my journal I may have thought the same thing, but seeing it through an image stirs up so much more. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words!
So this post is more for me, #sorrynotsorry. However, I do encourage you to look back at your year and take some time to reflect how far you have come, who you are now and where you are going in 2019. <3 2018 SUMMARIZED IN ONE PICTURE… I'm all about disconnecting from time to time and getting out into nature, but how about some helpful yoga and meditation apps that let you disconnect while staying on the wifi?
As a IT/IS person by day and a yogi/dancer by night I've tried my fair share of "mindful" apps. The following are the ones I find I actually use and don't just take up space! (lol) Best of all these are FREE! |
November 2022