2018: The year I am done playing small. The year I refuse to hide parts of my personality that I love but keep secret. The year I truly share my authentic self ALL the time. How about you? During my recent Wellness Within: Mini Retreat at Zennergy Studios we all chose a feeling or mood we wanted to embrace for the year. I chose "flow" and "ease".
"Ease" and "Flow", but NOT to be small or less than I am. That is NOT Flow, nor is it Ease. Do you celebrate Valentine's Day? Galentine's Day? Or some other holiday to celebrate the ones you love right around February 14th? To be honest, I never was much of a Valentine's Day fan. It's just too commercial for me. My husband, Eric, and I do not exchange anything for Valentine's Day. Then, full discloser, we go out on the 15th and buy discounted chocolate! Any way, I wanted to share a fun date night idea that we enjoy any time of year and you can too! It all starts with two words; Blanket Fort.
Remember when you were little and you made a fort? Whether it was a blanket over the kitchen table or a bunch of chair backs holding up a bed sheet/etc. It was THE BEST THING EVER. Guess what? It still is. Human Connection. That feeling of being accepted, acknowledged and understood. Isn't it really ALL about connection? On one hand, it could drive us to the extremes of peer pressure, trying to fit in one way or another. Letting our true self get lost in the community. However, without that connection or community spirit we're left out on our own little island. It's about finding that balance. Being our own unique creation with the flexibility to be influenced by that human connection. That spark which helps us grow. I spent a lot of time seeing myself as the outsider. Not ready to accept the chance that 'they' may or may not feel the same as I do. I didn't reach out. I didn't want change... but I wanted to grow.
I was in the midst of a heated discussion with a loved one. Words said and feelings could be hurt. We've all been there. Not wanting to cause more sadness, I stopped. I took a deep breathe and asked if all we have is Right Now, how did we want to feel? That is the true beauty in any situation. (Argument or not)
What if we gave up the notion to feel we need to be right? What if we moved beyond the facts or opinions of getting to the point? Isn't the real point about how we want to feel Right Now? Feeling upset, angry or getting sad probably isn't how you want to spend your day? (week, month, year...etc.) What if we decided that if all we have is right now and we want to feel happy, free, joy, (insert your word here); How would you do it? What if we take this idea to all areas of our life and really tune into your emotions. Feel how you're actually feeling--instead of numbing it with alcohol, drugs, etc.-- and make your decisions from this place of forward moment to what we want to feel? Can we take a step back and say "If right now is all I have, how do I want to feel?" If we did, how would you feel? - Jenn Rose (Photo by Jad Limcaco on Unsplash) |
November 2022