Today, December 21st 2018, has a LOT of magical power. First up it's the winter solstice (Happy Yule!) and the longest night of the year. This year we're also lucky enough to enjoy a full moon on the longest night of the year (at least in the Northern Hemisphere)! It's also the last full moon of 2018. Let's grab all that magic and gift ourselves a self-love ritual! Traditionally Yule is celebrated as the returning of the sun! Back when we couldn't turn lights on with a flick of a switch, THIS was a big deal. While it may take some time to actually see the "days getting longer", so to speak, we can celebrate this light and the light within. During the holidays it gets a little hectic and naturally we start to put people and tasks before our own sanity. If you follow me on instagram, you've probably seen a few of my recent posts reminding us to take a moment to check-in, connect with your breathing and gifting yourself some self-care time. It's SUPER important right now, especially if you feel like you don't have time for it. So here's the thing... The full moon on Yule is a reminder to check in with that internal light. You can use this self-love ritual as a whole or just use the parts that ring true to you. My self-care may not be exactly what you need right now. More importantly you know your body and what it needs, more than I do; this is just a suggestion. Ground Yourself Start off by grounding or centering yourself. This could mean some deep breathing or meditation. My favorite way is to just check in with my current breathing. Without changing anything, notice if your breath is shallow or deep. Can you feel the belly expand or the chest rising and falling? Then begin to deepen the breath. You can count the length of the inhale and exhale if that will keep you focused. For example; breathing in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and exhaling 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Maybe every second breath you add a number. Let this continue for as long as it feels right for you. Let the light shine! To celebrate the full moon and the return of the sun, light a candle or two. I suggest a white one for the moon and a red one for the sun/yule. If you don't have any candles, picture one in your mind's eye. Take a moment to consider the light of the candle and the heat it provides. This may invoke feelings of gratitude; celebrate all you have. Shift your focus to that area where your heart resides. Envision your own personal light. Take some time to consider all that you provide to the world. What color is your light? Maybe it's even a disco light. ;) How bright is your light? With every inhale let your light expand and grow to flow over your entire body. Feel your entire body shinning with light. You may wish to also focus on the exhale; letting anything that dims your light gently release. Let your exhale carry away any stress, tension or negativity. If it helps to visualize sending that energy down into earth to be recycled or towards that candle flame go for it. Later you can blow out the candle, letting that stress fly away with the wind. Spend some time being encased in your own light. Feel what it's like being "turned all the way up!" Enjoy that light within. Want to dive deeper? Meditate or journal on the following questions:
What lights up your life right now? Where can you share your personal light? What dims your light? How can you let go of anything that dims your light before the new year? Hope you enjoy this little self-love ritual for your full moon & yule activities. I'd love to hear how it goes for you or if you mix it up with something else! Happy Yule & Full Moon! - Jenn Rose (Candle photo by Anuja Mary on Unsplash) |
November 2022