The self-care industry has really gone head first into essential oils and I for one am all for it. I utilize essential oils in my day to day life for many purposes, but one I tend to forget about it stress relief. So let's make a pact together that when the going gets tough, we reach for the good stuff! ha ha Obviously I mean good quality oils... but I digress. The point is something so simple as smelling or applying a scent could totally change your day around. My first go to for stress relief is always going to be Lavender. The soothing scents as you may already know are great for sleep, peaceful feelings and calm vibes. I'd have to second this. I prefer to put a little lavender on my wrists and on the back of my neck when the going gets tough. However my favorite use is to put a couple drops on my pillow before crawling into bed after a long day. #instantcalm
Today is my birthday and I'm super excited to continue my yearly self love tradition as a gift to treat myself. We all deserve a little extra love and care on our birthday and who better than you to treat yo'self?! (Cue Parks & Rec Tom & Donna montage). I'm all about simple self love rituals; whether its buying yourself flowers or treating yourself to the "fancy coffee". Self love and self-care do not have to be about expensive spa days--though it could. It's about taking the time to acknowledge yourself and gift yourself some "me time". This ritual is simple but requires a few items to amp up the ambiance. If you don't have the exact item, try substituting whatever makes sense via your beautiful intuition. This ritual is designed to happen before you shower, but if you're pressed for time you can at least bring that sugar scrub in the shower and feel luxurious afterward. Or treat yourself to a long hot bath after complete with rose petals, your beverage of choice and a good book.
One of my favorite traditions at my annual retreat (this year it was "Clarify") is to make a Vision Journal. So, what is it? If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know how in love with journalling I am; so seeing my journal tends to happen more frequently then say a vision board would that might get left on the counter to collect dust. Thus a Vision Journal was created! Seems like a simple revelation, but seeing that 'vision board' on my journal has completely changed vision boarding for me. If you've never made a vision board before, basically it's putting together a group of images on a poster board with a specific idea in mind. Usually this ties in with a goal your are working towards. Then said poster would be placed in an area that you frequent, so you see it often.
There was a time about two years ago that I didn't use essential oils; now I can't even imagine life without them! I have cut out many over the counter meditations, updated my skin care routines and even added some more DIY self-care into my life because of essential oils. There is a lot of information on the internet about essential oils (usage, mis-usage, questions on things that harm and things that help). There are also a LOT of essential oils out on the market now. Before I jump into my personal experiences let me state... I am not a doctor or medical professional. I do not sell essential oils. I do however use essential oils every day and have been for almost 2 years now. Below I've included some of my favorite oil usages. I also want to state it's important to do some research about your essential oils before purchasing or using. Some "essential oils" have been noted to contain soap and other ingredients all while boasting 100% essence/etc. Be mindful and check the ingredients in anything that use on your body.
Now, on to the fun stuff! As part of our 30 day Fall Into Wellness Challenge (Join us on Instagram or Facebook!) every Friday of our challenge is a prompt for some self love! Fridays are ruled by the planet Venus, which if you follow astrology has to do with love, passion and relationships. Remembering that our relationship with ourself is so important, I thought a little Friday reminder each week of our challenge was a requirement. We spend a lot of time giving to others, but may forget to schedule some time for ourselves. Especially as the kids are heading back to school and summer vacations are winding down, be sure to gift yourself some self love time. My favorite self-love/self-care ritual is spending some time detoxing in my bathtub. ha ha Anyone else? So for a little inspiration, I thought I would share one of my favorite autumn inspired bath recipes. I'm a big fan of epsom salts and essential oils. Salt is said to help release negativity in the body and essential oils are not only good for providing some moisture to our skin, but depending on which oil contain other healing properties.
Do you celebrate Valentine's Day? Galentine's Day? Or some other holiday to celebrate the ones you love right around February 14th? To be honest, I never was much of a Valentine's Day fan. It's just too commercial for me. My husband, Eric, and I do not exchange anything for Valentine's Day. Then, full discloser, we go out on the 15th and buy discounted chocolate! Any way, I wanted to share a fun date night idea that we enjoy any time of year and you can too! It all starts with two words; Blanket Fort.
Remember when you were little and you made a fort? Whether it was a blanket over the kitchen table or a bunch of chair backs holding up a bed sheet/etc. It was THE BEST THING EVER. Guess what? It still is. |
November 2022