I'm really loving that this year the moon cycle seems to have synced up so perfectly with the holidays! We had the Full Moon sync up with the Winter Solstice last week. This week we've got a waning moon before we release the 2018 year and welcome in 2019. Not to mention the New Moon on January 5th, 2019! For today, let's just focus on the waning moon. When I say waning, I mean the moon is diminishing in size. This is a great time to let go of things that do not serve you. Right now it is especially powerful as we let go of 2018. Gift yourself some quiet time before midnight December 31st for some yearly contemplation. With the moon in the waning phase releasing this year's difficult situations may feel a bit easier. I'm not saying it still won't be emotional, but letting go during a waning phase is allowing you to work with the natural cycles rather than against. It is also important to let go of the comforts that no longer serve you. This one might be a bit more difficult, but if we want to grow this is necessary! Grab your journals! Let's do this together. Give yourself a few minutes of contemplation first. Check in with your breathing and any any emotions that come up when you think about the past year. Then think about the difficult situations that are still weighing on you. Do you still need to carry this weight? How can you best release these emotional attachments? Think about your current comforts in life. What accomplishments or achievements have you made this year? (it's not all bad!) What comforts or current beliefs do you need to let go of to grow in 2019? Spend some time on this one. You may need to examine what has become your "norm". Often we do not see certain comforts as a problem in our lives. For example if you really want to build muscle and you spend most of your time googling or pinning ideas on how to work out but never do; perhaps it's time to ditch the time spent searching and start doing. I know I'm guilty of this too. So how can we release these habits?
Some times just spending the time writing them out and tracking our habits is enough. (Maybe your new intention is to check-in with your journal nightly?) Some of us need a bit more than that. You could write out all your old norms and then, safely, burn them to signify that you're rising from the ashes! Or perhaps just reflection and a good cry--a great emotional release-- will work for you? Working with the moon cycles may amplify the release so as always be kind to yourself and play it safe if you choose to work with fire. ;) Happy Releasing! - Jenn Rose |
November 2022