What's up gang? Here's another Friday Faves coming your way! Why? Because there are soooo many awesome people blogging these days. Because I LOVE to share the love. Because I enjoyed these articles/blogs/etc. and thought you might too. ;) First up! Did you know Mercury is once again in Retrograde?
2018 has already been a crazy hot mess for me (you too?). As you know I chose to embody "flow" and "ease" and the universe is definitely testing those practices--Side Note: this is how we grow, friends! So far my Grandmother has been in the ER for surgery and found a breathing issue on top of it, we adopted a stray kitten and we lost one of our cats due to a possible kidney issue. All this within the last six weeks. Not to mention I've added to my class schedule, my husband picked up a part time job (on top of his personal businesses), and I'm still working my 40 hour a week day job. The most recent wound, the loss of our cat, Jasper. It hit us hard. For the first day and a half I couldn't eat. If I did, it didn't stay down. I stayed home from work. I cancelled classes and I cried, hard. I couldn't sleep and of course, felt like it was all my fault.
I was the kid wearing all black in high school. The one they called "freak", "weirdo", etc. In middle school, they used to call me "Fat", "Tubby", etc. This was before the "no bully" movement we have today. Of course, Teachers would try their best to cut down on the name calling, shaming, etc., but it wasn't a big topic back then. In the last few weeks, there have been over five threats of violence in high schools, middle schools and colleges within a 20 mile radius of my home. There were whispers of bomb threats and active shooters on school campuses. People were fearful of their family members, friends and colleagues.
November 2022