As we draw closer and closer to the end of 2017, we start to look ahead at our 2018 goals, dreams and wishes. It's also a time of reflection. Looking at those goals we had from the beginning of 2017. What we committed to and what may have fallen between the cracks. Let's start there.
What were your personal goals for 2017? What did you accomplish? What didn't get accomplished? WHY? That is the bigger question. Why did those goals fall short this year? Did you commit to too many other things that you didn't have the drive to "do it all"? Were you unable to hold yourself accountable? Did you really want to achieve that goal in the first place? Before we set out our 2018 goals, take a look at those goals that we set and failed to complete. This is not a beat yourself up session! This is a figure out what didn't work, so we don't repeat it moment. A What do you REALLY want moment. We only commit our time, passion and heart to things we really love. Let's make a pact that in 2018 our goals are only those things that will really make us excited to complete. If you are not committing to it, there's a reason. Break the repetitive cycle and work out what you really want so you can go out there and get it going! Off to plan, <3 - Jenn Rose (Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash) |
November 2022