When you spend most of a sleepless night sitting upright so you can breathe, it's time to check in with yourself and see what's going on!
Now I'm really thinking it's just a bad couple of seasonal allergy days. That doesn't change the fact the next work day is going to be a little bit more difficult and I'm going to feel off my A game. Below are my go-to, tried and true Sick Day tips. Here's hoping they help you too! REST. Number one in my book, you need to rest. Even if you can't fall asleep, resting means taking the time off to let the body heal and fight whatever is making you weak. This could mean taking a day off of work or trying to find a sub to teach your classes. Do it. Don't share your sickness. Tea. Hot tea-I prefer echinacea to support the immune system-and honey to soothe your throat. If my stomach is feeling okay, I'll make a hot citrus concoction out of hot water, lime juice, lemon juice and a little bit of OJ. Add in some honey as needed. If your stomach isn't game for citrus, look into a ginger herbal tea like this one. As always make sure you're getting enough water! Healing Vapors I'm a big fan of Vicks Vaporub. It's often the only thing that helps me breathe when my allergies are really bad. If you're looking for something a bit more natural, maybe a DIY version or a DIY shower tablet version you can try those. I've also recently gotten into essential oils, and my go to difusser blend has been DoTerra's Breathe with some extra eucalyptus oil. I've also read that difussing a mixture of eucalyptus, lemon and peppermint helps with sinus issues. Headache? Rub some peppermint oil on your forehead. I'm always amazed how well this works. Lingering cough? Try a mixture of 1 Tbsp honey and 1 tsp cinnamon two to three times a day. (Bonus points if it's local raw honey-to cut down on your allergy symptoms. Read more here.) What other remedies do you use when you're feeling a bit under the weather? Off to brew some tea, - Jenn Rose Disclaimer: I am not compensated by the above companies. These are just my personal opinions. |
November 2022