We are certainly living in interesting times, friends and while I'm not going to talking about the virus I do want to talk about maintaining your balance, checking in with your center and gifting yourself the time you need for self-care! Right now, more than ever we need to focus on keeping ourselves healthy and happy as much as possible, whether you're currently working from home for the first time or on the front lines. Keeping a routine self-care check in will help now and in the future once we've put all this behind us. When the going gets tough and I forget who I am, one of my go-to's is always meditation. While I believe there is a meditation style for everyone, you may just have to try a few to find what resonates with it. I find it's similar to the different styles of yoga; not everyone is into a Hot Power Flow style class and maybe a Yin yoga class is more your jam. I'm here to say to each their own style of yoga and meditation. One of my favorite styles of meditation is often called "mindfulness". This concept is growing more and more since it allows you to connect to something you see, hear, feel and use your senses to meditate. Depending on your definition of mediation this may or may not be your personal preference, but I believe that meditation is a concentrated focus either on a visualization, something physical or on a concept. With that in mind if running works that for you, then it's also a form of meditation. For today we're going to use this mindful meditation practice to connect back within our bodies, focus on your breath and trust that your body knows how to keep you calm, protected and healthy. Right now I think that's something we could all use a little bit of. So without further ado... Read through the next few paragraphs below and then close your eyes and repeat that process. Aim to stay focused for 5 - 15 minutes. #yougotthis Trust Your Body Meditation: Sit comfortably. Preferably with your spine long and your shoulders soft. When you're ready close your eyes and begin to notice your breath. Try not to change it; just notice what is happening within the body. Feel the cool air enter through your nose and expand in the chest and belly. Feel warmer air gently leaves the body as the chest falls and the belly relaxes. Focus on the breath and notice if your shoulders can soften and relax away from the ears. Let the jaw relax as you naturally exhale. Soften that space between the eye brows on the next exhale. Let the whole body soften as you continue to inhale and exhale naturally. Stay focused on your naturally breath; knowing that without trying... without thinking.... your body does this for you all day, every day. Staying focused on the natural rise and fall of the breath remind yourself that with every breath your body is working... it's sending oxygen to your brain... it's hydrating your cells.... it's exhaling out toxins... Staying focused on your natural breath notice the rise and fall of new fresh air into the body and the release of old air... Feel the body making space on every inhale. Feel the body releasing what it no longer needs on every exhale. All day, every day... Your body does this without you ever thinking about doing it. It just does it for you. Take some time to feel your body working. Know that it is there to keep you alive and safe.... and it does all of this without you even trying or paying attention to it. If it's not too crazy for you, send some love to your body and feel that love from within. Take some time here to feel yourself loved as you continue to breath naturally. When you're ready return your focus solely on your breath and begin to deepen the breath within the body. Slowly let your fingers and toes wiggle and open you eyes when ready. Hoping that something from this meditation practice sits with you! While I am grateful I get to share these ideas here I'm currently offering FREE live stream meditations weekly via social media (see above!). You can pop in via the Zennergy Studios Facebook Live or Instagram Live (@jennrosezennergy) every Thursday for the foreseeable future at 8 PM EST.
Trust your body, friends! - Jenn Rose |
November 2022