We live in a stressful world.... Working 40/50/or more hours a week, picking up kids/groceries/the car, taking care of the home/chores/bills, trying to fit in some exercise, relaxation AND self care. Did I mention hobbies that make you feel good and getting a nutritionally sound dinner on the table at a certain time? I'm already stressed by those statements.... Take a deep breathe. With so much going on it's often easy to forget the big important stuff.
Family. Your partner/spouse. Pets. You. I distinctly remember a rough day at work where I was stressed out about a project and things that haaaaad to be done at home. Then I answered our community phone line. The person on the other end was also stressed and felt the need to take it out on me. Which of course resulted in me breaking down at work. My manager at the time told me to focus on the things that matter. My husband, Eric. My cats (my children). My family. Not the person who yelled at me on the phone. Not my day job. Not the project that needed to be done at 3 PM. Not the dishes in the sink at home or the dust piling up. It's easy to forget in our fast paced world. Let's take a second to remember what really is important in our lives and send some gratitude to those people/animals/etc. that you come up with. Like this idea? Do it daily. It's especially nice in the morning as you are waking up or after a really long day. Peace & Love and all the dust, Jenn Rose |
November 2022