The self-care industry has really gone head first into essential oils and I for one am all for it. I utilize essential oils in my day to day life for many purposes, but one I tend to forget about it stress relief. So let's make a pact together that when the going gets tough, we reach for the good stuff! ha ha Obviously I mean good quality oils... but I digress. The point is something so simple as smelling or applying a scent could totally change your day around. My first go to for stress relief is always going to be Lavender. The soothing scents as you may already know are great for sleep, peaceful feelings and calm vibes. I'd have to second this. I prefer to put a little lavender on my wrists and on the back of my neck when the going gets tough. However my favorite use is to put a couple drops on my pillow before crawling into bed after a long day. #instantcalm Speaking of sleep, my second stress relief oil would be Cedarwood applied to the bottoms of my feet. I love this bedtime ritual and I've found that whenever I take the time to do this I get the best sleep hands down (or should it be feet down?). I always feel that this practice is much like the "grounding" practice of walking without shoes and connecting back to the Earth. There's just something calming and soothing of your bare feet on the ground, #amirite? A little bit more on the expensive side but like Lavender another great sleep aid is Roman Chamomile. You may be more familiar with Chamomile tea, and this is similar! That calming feeling can be bottled into an oil as well. I like to diffuse this one with a little lavender for extra peace and bedtime feels. When stress gets the most of me I find that I end up with a pretty intense headache and my quick go-to is Peppermint oil. Just a few drops of this oil applied to my forehead usually clears up that headache; it's like magic! If that doesn't work, take a few drops and apply to the back of your neck and shoulders. We tend to tighten up here during times of stress and this oil should provide a icy hot relief. While not all stress can be cleared away we can choose to shift our focus on the things we can change and that includes our reaction and attitude toward a situation. One way gift yourself a little uplift in mood is to apply a drop or two of Wild Orange to amp up that optimism! I like to put those drops into my palms and rub them together and then smell my palms (from a safe distance of course - don't touch your face). Instant uplift!
One last tip for all oil use, be sure to wash your hands prior to applying oils to your face/body so you're not spreading anything other than oil. Hoping something here helps you out! Sending love, - Jenn Rose (P.S. - This is NOT a sponsored post. I just use and like DoTerra.) |
November 2022