With Thanksgiving behind us and the holidays just around the corner we're looking at the "Most Wonderful Time of the Year" and also the busiest. While running to holiday parties, visiting family, shopping, baking and everything else added to your regular to-do list your self-care may fall to the way side. So how can we savor all the flavors of the season AND take care of ourselves? Let's jump right into some SIMPLE Self Care ideas for your holidays. Aromatherapy You know I'm in love with my essential oils! I find as it gets colder and darker during the winter season, I amp up my aromatherapy. I'm a big fan of my essential oil diffuser, especially with a fun autumn blend of Wild Orange and Cassia right now. As we get closer to Christmas/Yule/etc. I'll swap in holiday blends with Siberian Fir, Wild Orange, Clove Bud, Cinnamon Bark, Cassia, Douglas Fir, and Nutmeg --ALL the holiday flavors. Don't have a diffuser? Put a drop of Wild Orange on your wrists and rub them together. This always perks me up and gets me moving for those busy days. Sticking with Routines This one is on everyone's self care list during the holidays. In all honestly my yoga/work-out routine may get a little haphazard during the holidays, but I do make sure that I stick with my morning/night skin care routine especially during the cold weather outside and the dry heat inside during this season. My nightly schedule consists of a simple make-up remover, witch hazel (usually with rose petal extracts) as my toner and a quick rose water spray for a bit of hydration. In the AM, I wash my face with water and pat dry. Then apply moisturizer to any dry areas and spot treatment for any acne flare-ups. Then apply make-up and I spritz that rose water again! I'm a huge fan of rose water as a quick me up and happy skin hydration! Pranayama or Breath Work While we may not make it to our usual yoga class during the holiday hulabaloo, you can still put your yoga to good use! One of my favorite yoga practices is pranayama or breath work. Whether you're at a crazy holiday office party or having a hard time answering your extended family's questions you can always excuse yourself to the rest room and check in with your breathing. Taking a moment to focus on the air entering the body and softly leaving the body is step one! Step two, stay focused by adding a count to your inhale and exhale (maybe a 4 count). Then after 3-4 breaths try to extend the inhale/exhale respectively. Deep breathing like this will calm the heart rate and gift you a moment to check back in with yourself. Turn Off your Phone While they're great for checking in on friends and family (also Facebook and work/etc.), as a society we have gotten REALLY attached to our phones. Gift yourself an hour, an afternoon or a day without constant reminders or alarms. See what happens? While some people might have a minor panic attack about the thought it, perhaps you can ease that need by having a friend over or meeting up for holiday shopping & coffee. Turn your phone off during the outing and really take the time to be present. See if you can talk your friend to joining the challenge. I promise your facebook feed will still be there later. You all know I could go on and on about "Self Care", but when it comes down to it it's really about checking in with yourself and doing what you need.
As always meditation and journaling come in handy for me, but maybe you're looking for something else? If none of the above ideas resonate, check out this lovely Self Care Oracle deck from Goddess Provisions. Those cards definitely spark some fun self-care ideas whenever I use them for our weekly Spirit Guidance Sunday pulls on Instagram. Since it's Cyber Monday, they're also offering a deal on these cards if you use coupon code "SACREDSELF". Take Care, Jenn Rose P.S. - I'm doing a live video this Friday, the 30th at 7 PM EST, on our Zennergy Wise Warriors private FaceBook group with a new DIY, Relaxing Lavender Bath Salts recipe/how-to. A perfect idea for a night of self-care or to give as a gift! |
November 2022