With Halloween/Samhain behind us, we've truly entered into the dark part of the year. The part of the year where we turn inward, review what worked for us, what isn't working and begin to plan where to go next. Growing up, I tended to put part of my life into compartments.
School tasks, friends--"school Jenn" over here. Work tasks, feelings--"work Jenn" over here. Dance class Jenn over there. Home alone Jenn over here. Etc. Seeing myself in different ways in different settings. Of course any time when these settings/friends/etc. would merge, things would feel a little overwhelming. The problem here is that you (and I) are really all of these titles/emotions/hobbies/etc. in one package. The issues you feel at work, really do intrude to the home life and vice versa. If you are unhappy in your chosen career/family/hobby/set of friends/etc. it affects ALL parts of your life. You are not just the (insert current job title) that you are working. You are that and so much more. The "compartments" don't just live in one part of your life/your 24 hours a day... Your work self comes home with the home alone self and that home alone self goes out dancing with your school friends. You are all the things. AND you have the choice of being whatever titles you truly want to be. What titles/emotions/hobbies/etc. are currently working for you? What aren't and how can we work to clear those out for our future? These are the hard hitting questions, my friends. Still Learning, <3 Jenn Rose |
November 2022