A few weeks ago I made a dream pillow! Complete with herbs, resins, LOVE and magic. I only now put together how perfect it really is... I spent part of St. Patty's day sewing and crafting. (Side note: It was lovely!) I had collected my supplies and sat down to make it happen, when my kitty Jasper decided he REALLY wanted to be involved. I'm currently reading Ellen Dugan's The Enchanted Cat and thought it would be fun to include a few of his stray pieces of fur into my crafting! You know when you brush them and the loose strands seem to velco to the brush? (Never pull their hair out!) So why not! I thought it was cute! I thought he wanted to watch over and protect me in my dreams. Then five days later he passed away. After a few weeks of grieving and finding a new "normal" I had a few minutes to think about my dream pillow. I had filled it with rose petals for love, lavender for peace, frankincense resin to enhance the qualities of all the herbs and of course flax-seed as my "filler". Then the magic ingredient, as mentioned above, a few strands of Jasper's fur. Looking at the ingredients from a new perspective I think maybe Jasper knew how much I would miss him. He spent time with me while I made the pillow, sharing his love and protection. Leaving a little bit of himself with me at my most vulnerable (sleeping). Lavender for finding a calm in the storm of grief. Interesting enough, I also recently learned that frankincense is a great addition to combat depression. I began to wonder if he knew... He didn't show signs of pain or discomfort until March 22nd, the day he went to sleep forever. You hear stories of pets and other animals alerting their family of fires or medical disorders. Some stories say that animals know when there will be natural disaster (earthquake, etc.) As I work my way through the grief process I wonder if Jasper knew his time was coming. He never let on if he was in pain, but made sure that I had something to stay connected with him. Something that I could hold on to and work through the pain of not having him to hold.
Thank you little kitty. Love always, Jenn Rose (Paw Prints by Canva Jasper Photos by Jenn Rose) |
November 2022