I'm all for tuning out social media and turning your phone off every now again, but hear me out! Perhaps your cellphone could be your most mindful tool yet. Based on the apps and settings you have in place your phone could be a great tool for wellness, mindfulness, magic and meditation. Let's dive deeper... It's for Appearances...
Let's start with the "look" of your phone. You get to customize the background, lock screen, colors and even the case (to a point). What do you have right now? Take a moment to see what your current lock screen is (don't we look at it all the time, why can't we remember what it is?) and see if it actually sparks joy (Marie Kondo it!). If not let's change it! You can go multiple routes here. First up choose something that makes you happy; a picture of your child, you lover or your beautiful cat child! Or choose something magical that only speaks to you. Perhaps your personal sigil or a photo that reminds you of your yearly intention. What about a photo of your vision board or cover of your vision journal to remind you of your intentions? Settings for Intentions Have you ever downloaded one of those apps that tells you how many minutes you activated your phone today or how long you were using social media? Never heard of those apps?! Go download and try it out for a day or better yet a week. Take stock in how much time you spend scrolling through Instagram. It can be quite surprising! I'm not saying to quit social media all together, but by being more aware of the time you spend on social media you can work towards setting a time limit and gifting yourself more time in the day (to journal, meditate, work-out, crush your goals, etc.). Another cool idea is to utilize your phone's alarm to remind you to meditate! You can set multiple alarms with different sounds, but how many do you actually use? Just the one to wake you up in the morning? What if you set a beautiful noise that reminds you to set aside 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or even 15 minutes to meditate every day. After 3 weeks it'll become a habit and maybe you won't need the reminder anymore. (P.S. - Need a guided meditation to keep you focused for those 15 minutes? Check out Meditation Revelations) There's an App for That... Without judging, how many apps on your phone could actually be considered "mindful"? Yeah, me too. Perhaps, we can re-frame the concept a little? I'm addicted to Pinterest as much as the next person, but what if our boards were aimed at manifesting our dreams instead of those dinner recipes we might never try? Try using Pinterest as a vision board! Create your own unique personal style or vibe. Heck, if you like it enough make it your phone's background or lock screen. #itsavibe Everyone's favorite app to scroll through (cough-Instagram-cough) can also be a beautiful vision board tool. Want that for yourself? Here's the hint, Un-Follow anyone who doesn't lift your spirits or fit into your good vibes tribe. P.S. - Use this tip for Facebook too. Of course there are so many yoga, meditation and mindful apps out there already. Did you miss my post on those from a while back? Check it out here. While we're being mindful about our phones, take a few minutes to 'Marie Kondo' it and un-install any old games you don't play any more as well as apps you haven't used in weeks! Your phone might just run a little better/faster and you'll breath a little easier as you scroll through those apps, only keeping those things that spark joy. Here's hoping your phone is a more mindful place at the end of this process! - Jenn Rose <3 |
November 2022